Hassan Wilson
Hassan Wilson

On my radio show I had a great chat with Hassan Wilson about how he is implementing the Flipped-Mastery/Asynchronous model.  You can learn more by listening to the episode by going to this link.

12 thoughts on “The Asynchronous Flipped Classroom

  1. Love, love, love the idea of students choosing on which taxonomic level they want to demonstrate proficiency. That decision will reflect their readiness, their interest, and will require them to self evaluate.

    Above and beyond the value for any single class, this system would allow them to take on more or less demanding challenges, which would help them learn to navigate the school / extracurricular balance.

    John – did you and Aaron really do this? If so, do you have an example handout you may have used for your chem classes to explain the options to your students? Would love to see a concrete example of how this could be done. Maybe Mr. Wilson would share a sample?


    1. yes we did do this. It is documented in our first book: Flip Your Classroom. The second half of the book is about the flipped-mastery asynchronous model. We have also written numerous articles about flipped-mastery. One good example is: Bergmann, J., & Sams, A (2014) Flipping For Mastery, Educational Leadership, 71(4), 24-29 (Which I can’t find online).

      1. Ah, right… the student-created video game and the kid who summarized his understanding about each of the unit’s objectives. Thanks.

        Makes me remember kids that completely failed my chem class because my system was too rigid. Having a mastery setup and allowing them to choose an alternative method would have made a major difference in their high school experiences.

  2. I totally agree with Hassen on all fronts. I use the same model with my 6th grade Math class with great results. It takes so much pressure off of my students and the learning has increased significantly, evidenced by not only in class assessments/projects (both formal and informal) but their district required benchmark assessments. Plus, I now have a classroom full of students who love Math.

    I’ve been using ActiveGrade for the last two years to get to more of a grading system based on standards and objectives, but I really like what Hassan is talking about using Bloom’s. Sounds like I need to have a conversation with Hassan.

    1. Deb: as we moved to the mastery model we realized that the assessment system needed some significant changes. So we created a hybrid standards based grading system that really worked for us. There was choice, and yet still accountability.

      1. Is your system covered in the new book? I’m trying to put something together that makes more sense for Flipping but is easy to have to convert to a standard grade for my district. Also, Jon, I was wondering if there is a list of school districts that have embraced Flipping? I’m finishing up year 2 as the lone wolf and would like to make a change.

    2. Hey Deb, great to “see” you online since last year’s online course. Fortunately, my middle school does not give grades, so this model works well for me. I saw your post on G+ and will respond. I can send you some stuff and perhaps we can troubleshoot together.

      1. Thanks Hassan, I would really appreciate some insight. My hands are often tied when it comes to grades, so I end up doing one set of feedback for my students and the grades for the district.

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